Sunday, October 10, 2010

3 months and 3 days! haha

FINALLY! My life is close to normal- I can eat almost anything, except apples and carrots and such... and I love my new bite!

Here is a before to ponder on...

Shizammmmm! ha. :)

How are all my FOLLOWERS!???!?!?!
Do I still have you? ha.

Love, Makay


  1. You look fabulous! Just had my third surgery on Wednesday - doing well! My BSSO was moved until April :( Difficult to wait that long.

  2. Hey Makay! Smile is looking great! Still such an inspiration! Let the debracing countdown begin!

  3. Amazing, your eyes look bigger, how can that be??

  4. Here's another question for you: Do you still have any numbness? Did your doc say when you can expect to get your feeling back? How regularly is your surgeon checking on your progress? Are you able to open your mouth as wide as normal by now?

  5. @ Anonymous-

    I KNOW! I love it... I suppose it is like that because at first the focus was my chin, and when my cheekbones were made prevalent then it took the focus from my chin to what it was suppose to be- my EYES! :)

    @ Stephanie-

    Do you still have numbness?
    A little numb in the chin area... it tinges and is coming back. My doctor says it varies from person to person- but hopefully by 6 months, or at max a year, however some people never get it all back.

    How regularly is your surgeon checking on you?
    It is every month now, soon to slow up though...

    Are you able to open your mouth as wide as normal by now?
    YEPPITY YEP! :) I can open very wide! I will show it on my blog sometime.


    Love, Makay

  6. Do you still have to wear elastics all the time? I am about 8 weeks into my recovery now.

  7. Yeah... I do. Not like before- just 2- one on each side. :)

    How is your recovery coming?

    Love, Makay

  8. It is coming along well. The swelling is all down. I have 2 elastics-the surgeon said my bite was a little off 3 weeks ago. Otherwise, I would not need them. The only thing happening now is that I am getting a lot of feeling back in my gums and teeth. So when I brush my teeth, it almost feels like I am brushing my nerves sometimes.

  9. Girl! HA. Yes... you described that perfectly! :) I use an electric Sonicare toothbrush and it makes my teeth feel tingly- VERY weird. ha. I am glad to know you are going through the same thing and I am not crazy.

    Love, Makay

  10. Yes but does it feel painful to brush. I do it because I have to-but especially on my right hand side, it feels painful. I told my surgeon and he said it was a good thing I am getting all my feeling back but it hurts.I switched back to a manual toothbrush from my Oral B Triumph. It does have a gentle cycle so maybe I will try that again.


Feel free to leave me a message. :)