Sunday, October 18, 2009

Check out my Midlines...

Hey! I am posting this super close-up pic because I wanted to point out my off center midlines. You usually can not see it very well because I hide my bottom teeth when smiling. I have a crossbite, and it goes out to the right. The arrow in the picture shows where the center is on the top jaw and where it is on the bottom. I can't wait to get the fixed, along with my open and under bite. Also... I think my top jaw is narrow and my bottom is pretty wide. You can see in the pic how my top teeth only touch the edge of the bottom teeth... Does anyone else feel the same? I mean can they even fix that, or will it be fixed during the surgery? I really would like to know... Thanks. :)

Lots of Love and Support, Makay


  1. Wow Makay, we have more in common then i first thought. My midlines are out to the right also (even though no one could tell unless you look hard) and i have a larger bottom jaw that makes crossbites with the upper at the back of my mouth. When my orthodontist chatted to me about this, he said that after all the surgery and braces etc is done, i STILL may have this crossbite at the back of my mouth. Cos when you think about it, you prob would need a maxillary expander on your upper jaw to make it wider then the bottom? Hope some of this helps. If i get some new info, ill be sure to let you know. Goodluck xxx

  2. Yeah Lisa... I guess we both have the same jaw! I hope we have the best recoveries EVER and that our crossbites are elimanated completly! I guess I need to give my ortho or surgeon a call about the crossbite, and an expander. Do you have a narrow top jaw? I don't know if this is common. hmmm. I guess I need to check this out. Thanks for the support and help Lisa, you are the best. And keep us posted on your journey. :)
    Lots of Love and Support, Makay

  3. Ha ha ha yeah we must do :) I hope we do have the best recoveries wee could wish for. My surgery has been postponed as my back molars arnt moving so my operation will be around April next year now......My top jaw used to be quite narrow when i was younger but another ortho put in an expandable plate to push my jaw outwards. But it is still narrow i guess at the back. How bad is yours? Thanks also 4 the support and i look forward to chatting with you as we go through this together. It makes it allot easier having someone who is having the same experience there for you.

  4. Hey Makay, I also had the expander as a teenager but I still had a slightly narrow upper jaw. What they will probably do is widen it during surgery like they did mine (they basically just cut it right down the middle and widen the back while keeping the front teeth together). I have to say it was probably the part that caused the most pain, for some reason right between my front 2 teeth. Thankfully it doesn't leave a large gap between the front teeth like with the expander. If you have that, they do wire a splint into your mouth for about 6 weeks (I get mine out wednesday, yey!!), the splint doesn't hurt though, it's just a major gets stuck in it constantly and makes it hard to swallow. well, I hope allll that I wrote helps lol (sorry it was so long!) good luck with everything!!

  5. Lisa-
    Ahh. Your surgery was postponed? That stinks. I'm sure you were disappointed. My top jaw is pretty narrow, or my bottom jaw is just really wide. But wouldn't my O.S. mention this to me?! I know I am having a top jaw advancement with a bone graph, and bottom jaw reduction... Would the bone graph take care of my narrow top jaw? I don't even really understand what a bone graph is. hmmm. I am glad I have someone that is going to be going through this at the same time, you are right... it will make it a lot easier! :)
    I don't know if I am going to have that done. My O.S. only said top and bottom jaw surgery, with a bone graph on the top. I guess I need to ask him, and get him to explain in detail. Thanks for the help! All the comments really help me, and give me a basis of understanding. Thanks. :)
    Love and Support Always, Makay

  6. My surgeon didn't tell me that he was going to widen my upper jaw until 5 days before my surgery. and I had been seeing him for about a year and a half and he never mentioned it before...Are you following stephanie on here? Her surgery was done with a bone graft (they take bone from somewhere else in your body, stephs was from her hip, and apply it to your jaw). I had my top jaw advanced as well, but they had to take a wedge of bone out to make my face shorter. I wonder if they are going to make your face longer? Let us know what happens!


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