Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Helpful Information...

I found some really helpful sites that are packed full of information. I am preparing myself for the worse and am reading everything I can get my hands on, and I thought you all might feel the same way.

I have heard rants and raves about zip-and-squeeze feeding bags, and am ordering some pronto. :)

You are letting some one operate on your face, for your sake, and for the best results make sure your O.S. is a member.:

This is a pretty good video for people that haven't researched yet. If you have already visited an O.S. you will already have heard most of this, but it has a lot of great info.:
Once again this is an informative video if you haven't had a O.S. appointment yet.:

This forum is awesome! I started to read this a few months before my first O.S. appointment and found if very helpful. Great information and experiences. It is almost like a condensed blog.:

And if I discover any more helpful or intresting sites I will post them. Please leave comments if you know of any other sites as well. Also take a look at the blogs I follow... They are all really informative and packed full of before and after pics.

Love Always, Makay :)


  1. Cool blogspot Makay

  2. Be careful with Zip-n-Squeeze... people have had problems with them lately, including myself! They never sent my order, and I had to file a claim with paypal.

  3. Thanks a lot for this information, Makay! Definitely comes in handy :)


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