Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday...

I know I mentioned this in my last post, Good Friday. A Christian holiday in which we remember the sacrifice God made for us... as said in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whoever should believe in Him should and would not perish, but have everlasting life." I feel that this is a day of pain and sorrow, a day to remember all that we have, and all that we do not do... If you are a Christian today you should spread the word of this great act of love. If you are not you should look and see, this is what God did to save us from our sins. If you go to this website you can see how to become a member of the Christian family today, and experience the plan that God has set you on this Earth for. (

I wanted to post this video from the Passion of Christ the movie directed by Mel Gibson. The epic and inspirational story of the Messiah Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. It is intense, but it shows the true meaning of today, and Easter Sunday.

That was all for us... He would have gone through that for ONE of us... but instead he was able to provide a gateway for all man-kind. I felt moved to share the story of Easter, and Good Friday so that you could understand the reason we celebrate it in the first place.

There is a tradition that my family does every year... and that is Easter Story Cookies... I want you all to make them. They are delicious, but best of all they have a meaning. Here is a link to an amazing tradition:

I hope this Easter, whether you are Christian or not, that you will ponder the true meaning, and hopefully decide to take part in the ressurection of our Lord. :)



  1. Makay,words can't express the pride and love I have in my heart for you

  2. Am going to watch your video right now. I saw the movie a couple of years ago. It's something I'll never forget--helped me understand things--the magnitude of His Gift.

    Nice to meet you.

  3. Amen! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.


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