Monday, April 5, 2010

Show and Tell with Makay...

I am going to hold a show-and-tell today... haha. Here are some fun things I got for Easter:

A red bear, named Rojo... haha.

"See the Morning" Chris Tomlin CD. My current faves on this album are: "How can I keep from Singing", "Made to Worship", and "Let your Mercy Rain". Chris Tomlin has an amazing voice for some seriously inspirational songs...

Cadbury Eggs, MMMMMMMMMMMMMM... my all time favorite! They are so good! I get one 4-pack a year and that is it. So I enjoyed biting into one yesterday. They are little taste of heaven. :)

I also got a coloring book and crayons, haha. I think the """Easter Bunny""" still thinks I am 5. ;)

And also to little "pocket" bottles of Hand sanitizer that is Strawberry scented.... In AP lit I always put on hand sanitizer, and it SMELLSSSS! My friend Wes coughs (dramatically of course) when I put it on. It is ridiculously potent, but this one smells really good. This one is for you and your nostrils Wes... haha. You can thank the """Easter Bunny""". ;)

I hope you all had a fabulous and joyful Easter, and I will be posting soon. :)


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