Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday+Orthodontist= UGHHH!

I had an ortho appointment today. It all started out good, the norm: taking the wire out, changing the bands, and the wires. She was putting in the bottom wire and was about to cut the excess off and then... BAM!!!! She popped a bracket! It hurt really bad. She had to replace it, which took an extra 15 minutes... bless her soul. She felt pretty bad and was frustrated that we had almost been done and she had to do all of this extra work. I reassured her it would be fine.

The new wires do not feel too bad. They are a little tighter and already a bit sore, but for the most part they are not too big of a change.

Also I forgot my toothbrush and toothpaste!!! So I had to use one of their dinky disposable ones and had to brush with mouthwash. They didn't feel very clean at all... Overall this monday stunk.

Do you know when you go back to work/school monday and all you see is a VERRRRRRY busy and stressful week ahead and you feel discouraged and already beat? Well that was this Monday. It is the last week of the 6 weeks grading period so all of my teachers are cramming all they can into out week so they can get it in the gradebook. ARGH!

Thanks for enduring that shpill... I promise my next post will be better. :)

Here I am trying to put on a happy-face for all of my followers. haha...



  1. Ah :( Sorry to hear that Makay! All will be over before you know it! I just try to remind my self to enjoy everyday...even if they stink sometimes!


  2. I'm sorry about the bracket! At least she was able to fix it. I hope you have ibuprofen. :)

  3. Haha I've had the assistant pop a bracket. Except mine didn't hurt. And I am feeling EXACTLY how you feel about being discouraged.

    I think I might give a shpill myself. Sorry it has to be to you Makay. Haha.

    School, Ortho, homework, studying and babysitting.

    On Friday:
    Have a chemistry exam and an 8-page paper due.
    Have a 3-hour biology study group.
    A meeting with a florist who will be doing weddings over the summer. (Not bad, really.)
    A Beatles tribute show. (Need to write an essay for my music class on a gig. Excited for this actually!)

    I will comment on your other post later. Super tired.

    Kelly :)

  4. Oh, and I will be helping the florist, doing busy work with flowers and set up at weddings.

    Okay, bye again.


  5. You look so cute... not a trace of the bad experience at the dentist today. xoxo


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